Monday, March 16, 2009

Cecily and the Newspapers

This blog would not be complete without mentioning Cecily's obsession with the free newspapers handed out at no charge in London in front of the tube stops each evening. She collects them--all of them--each night and carries them home. Then she sits on the floor or on her bed and "reads" them, often after she was told to go to sleep. If she spots one left behind on the train, she won't be satisfied until she had captured it, opened it and "read" it. Her collection techniques are worth noting, too. Undeterred from her great height on Dad's shoulders, she somehow manages to get the attention of all the vendors, transfer the papers she has already picked up to the opposite hand and grab another one without Dad ever breaking stride. And once she's got them, she's plenty careful to keep them tucked up and out of Dad's face, since she knows the penalty for that is a quick trip to the trash can. It's really a remarkable to see. Perhaps all those journalism degrees in the family have somehow rubbed off on our youngest child. Any newspaper publishers out there want to scholarship your next circulation manager to college?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have been following your blog day by day and are amazed, educated and entertained. I wonder how you Scott are going to fair without Cecily on your shoulders when you get home.