Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Romans Redux

We decided we had time for one more major stop, so we headed over to the Roman Museum. You may not know that in addition to her interest in wine and the British Museum, Laura is obsessed with all things Roman. Just because you've already seen three sets of ruined roman baths on this trip alone plus a few million pieces of broken Roman glass and pottery and who knows how many partial mosaics is not a good reason not to stop and look again. So we did. And we saw the same old stuff (although the oversize Roman glass jars and the recovered silver utensils which looked like they had been made yesterday were pretty cool.) The girls particularly liked playing in the "hands on" gallery in the basement, where Olivia and Dad combined forces to put together a quite impressive mosaic using bits of tile with magnetic backs. it was surely going to be a masterpiece until Olivia excused herself to go to the bathroom and Dad stepped over to help Meredith with something. That's when the Barbarian showed up at the gates of our newly created Rome and with a single swipe of her hand wiped out our newly created cultural artifact . We have taken to calling her Cecily the Hun.

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