Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stonehenge: Where's The Beef?

Remember that old commercial tagline, "Where's The Beef?" Well, there wasn't any beef around Stonehenge because all the space was taken up by grazing sheep, and the whole thing was surprisingly devoid of the meaning and mystery we had expected. In truth, Stonehenge looks pretty much like a pile of rocks. That isn't to detract from the amazing feat of prehistoric peoples dragging these awesomely heavy stones from the Welsh mountains and somehow piling them atop each other. Nor is it to disrepect the religious significance some people ascribe to this site, believing it to be a holy center of ancient and forgotten religions and extraterrestrial visitation. But since moving rocks ceased to have mystery a century ago, and our family doesn't subscribe to the notion of animal spirits or stone circles as landing zones for expeditions from Mars, we were pretty much left with: a pile of rocks. We all had come with high expectations that we would somehow be moved by the experience of this magical place created in the mists of time. I think in the end we were victims of our own extraordinarily high expectations, and the site simply can't live up to the reality that the ravages of 5000 years have reduced what was once a place of wonderment to something less spectacular.

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