Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another Sunday, More Cathedrals

Our evening ended today with a mass at Westminster Cathedral. The Cathedral is to Roman Catholicism what St. Paul's is to Anglicanism. It was a well-attended service despite the fact that it was Sunday evening. Most of the cathedral's vast nave was full. Unfortunately, the beatiful interior, renowned for its byzantine style mosaics, is undergoing is massive renovation and it was mostly out of view. However, Olivia enjoyed the giant pipe organ. As it began to play, she asked, "What's that?" I explained, and she asked, "Where is it?" "Behind the screen," I told her, pointing to the row of screens that cover the entire back of the nave. "Which screen?" she asked. "All of them," I said. It was then that she realized this thing is much bigger than the electronic organ at home. We've decided we have to find an organ concert at some point during this trip so she can feel the full power of an organ at full throttle. Also fascinating was the incense censor, the altar girls who accompanied the crucifer carrying oversize candesticks. As fascinating as all that was, the girls were thrilled after services to end the evening with a trip across the street to their favorite house of worship: The McCathedral of the Golden Arches!

1 comment:

Kelly Gonser said...

Scott - I absolutely *love* this picture!!! Dad: "We traveled halfway around the planet to eat a Happy Meal?" Daughters: "Dad, you *so* rock!" [Forever etched in their minds will be something like: Our Dad is so cool, no matter what continent we visit.]