Thursday, January 15, 2009

Olivia's Journal: The British Museum

Today I went to the britas museum. We saw so many things I don't know where to start. We saw mummy's, skoolpshors (carved rock), pharo heads and gold jewlrey. There was a blue and white vase that a guy who was drinking for a week swang a brick at it and shattered it to little tiny peices. After they shatered it they asked an artist to put it back together. Could you even amagen how hard it was to put it back together? We saw how you would write. they started writing in 3000 B.C. They wrote on rock instead of on paper. We saw something called roseetta stone which as three different laugwigis--greek, demotic and hieroglyphic. A boy had mastered four different languages at the age of 9 and read the rosetta stone.

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