Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Olivia's Journal: Visiting the Aquarium

Cecily watching sharks circle; The girls make fish lips for the camera.

Today, I went to the London Aquarium and saw turtles, fish and sharks. the kind of fishes we saw are catfishes, giant gouramis, tetra's, pranas [pirahanas], little shrimp eels, four eyed fish and rays. That's it. Did you know that sharks are being killed all over the world just so that people can have shark fin soup? Why they killed the sharks is so thaey can just cut off the fins and throw the rest of the body away. 80% of some species are allready gone. In the last ten years. People need to also start saving the rainforist. Because 25% of some species of animals live there and hide there.

Editor's Addition: London boasts Europe's largest aquarium. Unfortunately, it is undergoing a major rennovation so about half the displays were closed. The remaining half was still highly educational. We particularly enjoyed a detailed talk about sharks and learning about how the Thames River has been affected over time by pollution. Today, the Thames is Europe's cleanest river.


Anonymous said...

What's up with Cecily's 'do? linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Olivia!
I'm glad that you are having a good time in England. I am hoping that you are making new friends and playing with them alot. My friends and family and classmates really miss you!

Love Katy