Sunday, January 25, 2009

Canvassing Canvasses

We made it to the National Portrait Gallery at last today. Olivia had a great time reviewing her words to her "Kings and Queens of England" songs and then chasing down their individual portraits. At each stop along the way, we had a brief history lesson about what made this king or queen famous or infamous. I asked Olivia later in the day what she had learned, and she replied, "That kings don't want to be painted fat, even when they are." Well, I guess that's true, but who does? Olivia also showed great interest in the techniques of oil painting, examining up close how certain colors are used to create the impression of sheen or how perspective can be changed through the use of angles. We saw an amazing picture of Edward VI (above), which looked completely distorted when viewed head on but perfectly normal when viewed from the side.

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