Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Olivia's Journal: Thoughts On The Inauguration

Today I went to Madame Tussauds and got in free because they opened a new statusu of Obama. He said every American should get in free!!!!!! On Saturday, I talked to Miles on skipe. He said to his mom if he could come here. I said it would take 9 hours just to get here from Seattle. what it means to me about the inaueration: Obama is the first ever black presadent. That means allot to black people. There Wore a lot of people at the inaugeration.


Anonymous said...

Hi Olivia. We enjoyed watching the inauguration as well. You might ask Mom and Dad to take you to the new musical, "Obama On My Mind" which will be playing in London in March. (They'll have to make sure it's "kid-appropriate" first). It will be at Islington's Hen and Chickens Theatre, March 5-21.
Press materials for the show, which includes a "pop, gospel, jazz and soft rock" score, describe it as "a humorous look at the weird and wonderful world behind the scenes of a small Obama campaign office and the larger than life characters who make the wheels turn, the cogs whirr and bring in the votes."
--Mrs. Norris and Katy

Anonymous said...

The wax museum looks cool! Skypeing with you was fun. We watched the inauguration. My mom cried for happy. I liked the Disney inauguration concert better. Maliah Obama was funny when she got excited about the Jonas brothers.